Monday, 2 May 2022

Need to Write a Business Case? Try this Fictitious Example for a Template (not all formatting transferred across)



First in Global Disease and Addiction Testing and Management


CCR Deployment Funding Business Case



Authors:                  Steve Rattley, Connor McHale, Cam Babula (Owners)

Recipient:                Prof A Lynch PhD, Mercer Country Community College

Release Date:         4th April 2022

Review Date:          4th May 2022

Version:                    0.1

Document Control:   Steve Rattley, CEO, CCR Tower, Budd Lake, New Jersey. 07828



1. Cover Page                                                                                                  1

2. Table of Contents                                                                                       2

3. Executive Summary                                                                                    4

4. Business Description                                                                                  5

A. Mission Statement                                                                         5

B.  Type of Business                                                                           5

C.  Purpose of Business                                                                      5

D.  Name of Business                                                                         6                     

E.  Location of Business                                                                     6

F.  Service Description and Uniqueness                                             7

G. Disease Testing                                                                              7

H. Addiction Management                                                                 8

H.  Pricing Strategy                                                                           8

5. Market and Industry Analysis                                                                     10

A. Customer Profile and Demographics                                             10                   

B. Market Segment and Targets                                                         11

C. Market Trend                                                                                 11

D. Competitors                                                                                   12

6. Sales and Marketing                                                                                   13

A. Strategy                                                                                          13

B. Method of sales                                                                              13

C. Online Advertising                                                                         14

D. Testimonials/Newspaper Advertising                                           14

E.  In Person Representation and Demonstration (B2B)                    14

F.  B2B Bundles                                                                                 15

G. Estimated Sales Potential USA                                                     15

H. Promotion Plan for Market Penetration                                         16

I.  4 P’s Summary                                                                               16

J.  Distribution Channels                                                                    17

K. Ongoing Growth Ambition                                                            17                   

L. Slogan                                                                                             18

M. Character/Spokesman                                                                    18

7. Management and Ownership                                                                      19

A. Legal and Regularity Responsibilities                                           19

8. Financials                                                                                                    22

A.  Risks                                                                                             22

B.  Testing Margins                                                                            23

C.  Balance Sheet                                                                                24

D.  Income Statement                                                                         25

E.  Sales – April 2022                                                                         25

F.  Kit Costs – April 2022                                                                  26

G. Capital Requirement                                                                      26                                                                   


Executive Summary


CCR will operate as a specialist company that improves the wellbeing of the nation by providing a simple and convenient disease diagnostic service in the customers’ home. Our strategy for a US start-up is low risk and utilizes the best practices known to date and builds on the Covid initial, knee jerk federal sponsored expertise and develops it into a long-term, for-profit service that can be offered to businesses, colleges, government and individuals.  Utilizing accurate testing, reliable supply and logistics and efficient management processes will give CCR a commercial advantage in a growing market segment. As well as the familiar “test by post” Covid Testing, the unique selling point of CCR comes in 3 parts:

1.      The CCR Premium Covid Testing Service:  In-home and virtually instant results.


2.      Addiction Management programme.  A co-ordinated testing and counselling service.

3.      Testing for other diseases including HIV, Hep B, Flu, MMR, Yellow Fever.

We consider that the economic shock of the Covid-19 lockdowns, resulting depression and other impacts on the USA has created an opportunity for this type of service - especially in the corporate world - that will become as commonplace a benefit as private health care.  CCR seeks to be a pioneer and exploit the potential for rapid growth in a new and expanding market.  CCR will be agile and provide a testing service designed for the client and delivered in the privacy of their own living/work spaces and at a competitive price.

This proposal works with the present economic and cultural world and will grow as the lessons of the present pandemic crystalise.  CCR does not seek to exploit the pandemic.  Instead, it seeks to act against it and be a positive element in an emerging market sector delivering accurate health information on demand, in privacy and in time to be truly effective in maintaining national and personal output.

Business Description

Mission Statement

Fast, convenient, accurate and discrete disease and addiction management available to all.  CCR is committed to preserving health and prosperity across the world enabling the world economy to grow, saving lives and protecting families.

Type of Business

A closely held corporation, CCR seeks to be the global leader in disease and addiction detection and management.  CCR began as the brainchild of Steve Rattley, Cameron Babula and Connor McHale.  The need for fast and convenient disease management was identified as an ongoing product necessary for individuals and business clients as a way of mitigating the effects of the global Covid pandemic and the inevitable normalising of this into an endemic disease.  Covid is not going away and the need to manage it will not either.

Additional diseases and then addiction was also then considered and joined the product mix for CCR.  These exploit our testing capability and diversify CCR.  The addiction management service further enhances our diversity by again using our testing capability and with the inclusion of a counselling package, further diversifies our product offering.  CCR will be unique in offering individual clients and business a “one-stop-shop” regarding these major health concerns and will ensure high work attendance and early disease outbreaks are identified early.  Businesses will be able to de-risk labor shortages and individuals will keep themselves safer, by way of early diagnosis, and protect their families and friends.

Purpose of the Business

CCR is designed to take market share from government and other diagnostic and addiction management businesses and become a world leader due to the blend and convenience of its services.  CCR will set new standards in effective disease control working directly with its clients at a location of the client’s choice and according to the client’s timeline.  CCR Vision is to transform the disease management market by introducing services that improve our client’s health, their prosperity, and the profits of business in a Covid world.

This industry is new and CCR seeks to play in a vast market.  CCR intends to be at the forefront of this new market and shape it with its innovation and lean processes throughout.  It seeks to offer disease testing and management for more than just Covid.  HIV, SARS, Lyme’s and STD are just a selection of the disease management services CCR will offer.

Name of Business

“CCR Disease and Addiction Management Corp”


The CCR strategic plan is to launch in the USA, then expand across the North American continent before offering its market transforming services to the world.  CCR offer a scalable, discrete, fast and accurate disease testing and addiction management service.  CCR is a provider of disease and addiction testing and management services. Due to its scale the business is already incorporated (in the USA) and will seek further funding from its growing shareholder base as well as from fresh investors that are currently drawn to this new type of enterprise.  We plan to offer new stock options as the business grows with a good dividend year on year.

Presently, the company founders Messrs, Babula, McHale and Rattley own 75% of the parent company, Medical Services Inc, trading as CCRBadge Tm outline.  Head office, logistical hub and initial testing/R&D laboratories are working up in Philadelphia now.  Presently CCR is trading and offering its services to the eastern seaboard of the US.  Sales are currently running at some $10m per month and growing.  Philadelphia was carefully chosen and offers the following advantages:

a.       7th Largest Life Sciences Centre in the USA (See Annex A)

b.      20% of the Philadelphia workforce work in the Biotech field (See Annex B)

c.       Excellent transport links to the major cities of the eastern seaboard.

Service Description and Uniqueness

Disease Testing.  CCR Business capture will utilise an online portal to take orders 24/7 and guide/inform the customer through the entire testing service.  24hr testing labs, mobile testing labs, digital ordering/payment/progress, enable testing completion within 12hrs (Premium Service) from initial contact when using the CCR Premium Testing Service (97% Confidence on the eastern seaboard – Washington to Boston).  A flow chart of the service is given below:
















CCR will offer the following Tests:  HIV, HPA, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Hep B, Flu, MMR, Yellow Fever, Lyme’s Disease, Alcohol, Opiates, Cocaine, Cannabis, PCP, Crystal Meth, MDA. (Doctors Certificate required where appropriate).

Our mobile testing labs will provide results to the client where the Premium Testing service is requested.  This is a mobile laboratory that takes the sample from the customer and returns the sample to the mobile lab with the results being passed to the customer upon completion.  These mobile laboratories range from small vans for individual client to articulated lorries for larger, corporate size requirements.

Addiction Management Service.  Addiction is a disease like any other and CCR seeks to offer services to manage, control and defeat addiction to alcohol and drugs.  CCR offers a fast diagnosis using our testing labs together with counselling services.  The testing looks for ongoing presence of alcohol and drugs and the counselling deals with the associated addiction drivers and creates the correct mental state for recovery.  This is new to the marketplace and our services will come to the home or workplace to enable suffers the best chance of success on their journey to an addiction free existence benefitting both the individual’s health and the economy.

CCR is unique in it offers a combination of conventional and ground-breaking services that provide an individual and business clients a complete disease management programme from one supplier at a market altering cost.

Pricing Strategy

CCR will trade on price and convenience.  A typical Covid 19 Antibody test costs upwards of $99 (CVS, 04/30/22).  CCR will slash this cost to less than $10 and offer the service at home.  CCR research believes that by sourcing its test from abroad this is viable due to inhouse concentration of logistics and testing with online ordering only.  Once CCR penetrate the market our lower cost will dramatically drive sales.  Table 1 gives a projection of a US wider market potential.  Table 2 and 3 gives the initial costs/price of the CCR Covid testing service.


Table 1: Costs Headlines

Fixed Costs (300m Tests Capacity)

US Dollars

 Antibody Testing


Gnome Testing


Other Testing


Fixed Costs (ex Labor)




Total Costs




Revenue @30% mark up over costs (FY1)



Table 2: Pricing Headlines – Standard Service


Total Cost ($)

Retail Per Test ($)

C19 - Antibody



C19 - Gnome






Table 3: Pricing Headlines - Premium Service


Total Cost ($)

Retail Per Test ($)

C19 - Antibody



C19 - Gnome






We intend to sell on price.  A simple mark up of 15%, based on the above volumes would be our break-even point. profits in excess of $225m (best case assuming 300m tests are sold).


Market And Industry Analysis

Customer Profile/Demography

Our customers are all those who need disease identification and or counselling to recover.  Given the nature of Covid 19 we expect the over 18’s to be the most likely to require our services.  The need is omnipresent across humanity.  Young and old, poor or wealthy employed and unemployed; all will require these services.  This makes the CCR potential for growth unlimited in that our only restriction on customers is the ability to pay.  Given propensity for variants of Covid it seems likely that the need for Covid testing will remain and to a lesser extent – due to reduced prevalence – the need for testing for other diseases will also remain.  CCR will assist all customers with their medical insurance claims and verbal agreement with the US medical insurers has been sought and is positive and constructive.  They want to work with us to develop a seamless payment process.

To start, our customer base will be limited to the eastern seaboard of the USA before CCR expands its operations across the continent.  Then CCR intends to expand globally.  The global market is of especial interest as the US has a well-developed heath care system.  This is not present in other countries and offers CCR untapped markets.

Business customers attract special attention.  Large organisations looking to identify and ringfence Covid outbreaks before it impacts production are a priority for CCR.  Due to economies of scale regarding deployment of the Rapid Response Teams means higher margins.  Our marketing will reflect this making B2B awareness of CCR a major priority.  The nature of Covid, although tragic, does increase the probability of take of CCR services in larger organisations.  Likewise, the addiction service will be proposed to corporate and government organisations to augment their extant benefits packages.

In terms of numbers, the customer base for CCR can be summarised as follows (Figures from US Census Bureau):

Over 18’s in US          =          77.9% of the population          =          258.3m Persons

The growth in population (therefore demand) in the next 10 years is estimated at 10.1% or 73.1m extra persons.

Total world population wef 2021                                           =          7.9bn Persons

Market Segment and Targets

Initially, CCR has launched on the eastern seaboard of the USA.  Expanding across the US gives CCR a market of 300m potential customers.  CCR’s strategic plan states this to occur in its 2nd trading year.  Start-up +year 3-4 will see CCR expand into the global market whether by direct ownership, partnering or franchise.  The potential market for these services is therefore 7bn people.  According to Fortune Business Insights the Covid Diagnostic Market in the USA is currently worth (Fortune Business.  Retrieved 04/30/22. Online) $12.5Bn.

Starting in the US before expanding across the globe CCR will use existing and already secured laboratory capacity.  In addition, CCR will develop its revolutionary mobile testing capability to provide near instant results helping businesses, governments and individuals to protect themselves and those around them from the ravages of disease and addiction.  CCR will be a major contributor to the physical and economic health of the world.

Market Trend

We believe the market trend is to deliver faster, cheaper and more reliable testing for disease and also use this capability to help manage the most common addictions.  These complimentary services will improve business performance, reduce the burden on governments and improve the health of the global humanity.  CCR is placing itself to be at the beginning of this revolution in health care and available to all to use.




            Abbott is the dominant player in Covid Diagnostics.  In 2021, its revenue was $34.61bn.  It is an early player, receiving its emergency authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration in March 2021 for its expanding Covid diagnostic product line.  CCR will target Abbott as it source of market share going forward.  Other major competitors in the US include, Danaher and The Quidel Corporation.


Sales and Marketing


CCR will base its marketing on it USP’s of price and place.  Specifically, a low-cost service with sample collecting and, if required, testing occurring in or near the location of the customer.  The product is the end-to-end service and will be priced accordingly.  The accuracy of the test will be equivalent to the competitors, but it is the service delivery and price that are the central pillars to the sales and marketing strategy.

In short, our strategy will be to penetrate the market with a national advertising campaign and take market share via targeted incentives and mature the business via high test accuracy and reliable delivery.

Method of Sales

Covid 19 management will be the headline in the CCR marketing strategy.  Covid 19 is still very much a threat to humanity, and we believe the CCR Covid testing service will bring awareness to customers of our other offerings.  CCR will employ the following advertising methods and mediums to find our customers:

a.       CCR will push our services via the Internet portal and email shots – Direct Marketing.

b.      Awareness Campaign with our retail partner CVS.  Instore posters, product information flyers (point of sale collateral) and training of CVS staff.

c.       Awareness campaign via TV and Radio.

d.      Awareness campaign via National Newspapers.

e.       Awareness campaign to doctors and hospitals across the USA.

f.        Testimonials via YouTube and other social media platforms.

g.      In Person representation/demonstration to our b2b customers.


Online Advertising

This offers the best bang for the buck return on the marketing budget.  Given those who are sick are likely to be self-isolating anyway this is the most logical place to make are biggest investment from the Marketing budget.  CCR will employ specialist online marketing agencies to ensure search engines propel the CCR message at the top of the Google Search engine results for 6 top search words and phrases regarding Covid and disease testing.  CCR’s competitive advantage will not only be the first message our potential customers will be exposed to, but our price, turnaround speeds and national; coverage will demand sales from the potential customer base over our competitors.

The ease of our online sales portal will also mean the think time from consideration to payment will be as short as possible.  CCR already has agreement with PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and others to offer their 2 click payment service.  This, and a simple path from “interest to payment” website, will increase CCR’s ability to convert more views into sales than any of our competitors.

Newspaper and Online Testimonials Advertising

These will be used to establish interest and trust in the CCR brand.  Accuracy comparators, YouTube “How To’s”, real life experiences will all be used to create talk triggers with potential customer communities.  We intend these to be multicultural in nature and try to lever in communities that have been to date sceptical of Covid testing and distrustful of this industry generally.  CCR is an ethical company with wellbeing of humanity as important as profit.

In Person Promotion and Demonstration (B2B Customers)

The competitive edge CCR has over its competitors is the short lead time of its Premium Service.  We aggressively promote this USP to business and government customers.  Given the Covid epidemic is still a major risk for these potential customers CCR will use this leverage to demonstrate the speed, convenience, and accuracy of the Premium Service to B2B customers in real time.  We will take a mobile testing unit to site and return buyers an accurate test within 2 hours of the sample taken. 

B2B Bundles

CCR will offer bundle packages to corporate and government customers.  This is seen as a way to fund, develop and pilot the commercial testing of other diseases and addiction management that will form the core of the CCR initial product range.    The bundles will be a bespoke blend of combined Covid testing and addiction testing and counselling services.  This will be a POA Service bundle that will share economies of scale and the single-entry point to CCR’s testing facility cost efficiencies with the corporate customer.  At all times this will depend on the customer need and therefore bespoke and appropriate.  All these services will be available to the customer within the first year of trading to complete the product mix.

Estimated Sales Potential USA






Sales C-19 (Mn)





Turnover ($Mn)





Our sales predictions are given below, and the figures anticipate 70-30 Split between the Standard and Premium Services and a 50-50 split between antibody and gnome.

Table 4: Estimated Sales


The going rate for a Covid 19 test at CVS is $99.  This is a typical price for a Covid Test and shows the strength of the CCR pricing proposal.  By using the low-price entry point into the market CCR will seize market share before the market has time to react and use its advantage to drive better deals with our suppliers to keep costs below that of our competitors.  CCR pricing strategy is about high volume-low costs, dominant market share and position.


Promotion Plan for Market Penetration

To penetrate the market CCR the following incentives will be employed:


a.       5000 Free tests will be offered to B2C customers in the first 3 months of trading via our web portal.  These will be of the standard service and a loss leader designed to drive talk triggers in the market.

b.      For the first 3 months of trading B2C customers of the premium service will receive a 30% discount.  This will mean we deliver this incentive at cost.

c.       Doctors and hospitals offering our services will receive a 30% discount of all our services to their employees for the first year of trading.  This will mean we deliver this incentive at cost.

d.      B2B customers (government and large businesses over 500 employees) will receive a 30% discount in the first trading year.  This will mean we will deliver this service at cost.

4 “P’s” Summary:

Product: The Disease Testing and Addiction Management Services:

a.       B2C Two speed Covid Testing

a.       Premium Service: Results within 2 hours, test comes to customer.

b.      Standard Service: Results within 48hrs, sample mailed to CCR.

b.      B2C Other Disease Testing – Premium and Standard Service offerings with timelines dictated by disease.  Service definition to be confirmed.

c.       B2C Addiction Management – Testing for intoxicants and counselling combined in an ongoing service offering.

d.      B2B – The above services offered in bundles depending on the customer requirement.  P

Price:  The retail cost of the CCR services.

CCR will significantly undercut our competitors by at least 50%.

Promotion:  The Method CCR will raise awareness of the product mix:

Online, print, in-person and retail.

Place:  The location where CCR services will be marketed.

Online Portal, Retail (CVS initially), Doctors Surgeries, Hospitals, Workplace, Homes.

Distribution Channels

Direct:  CCR to the customer directly.

    1. Standard Service Test Kit, CCR to customer via web portal online ordering.
    2. Premium Service, CCR to customer via web portal and mobile home testing team.
    3. Addiction Services, CCR to customer via web portal and bundled testing and counselling.

Retail:  CCR to the customer via a retail outlet such as CVS and a doctors surgery or hospital.

a.        CCR to CVS (retailer) to customer.

b.       CCR to Doctors/Hospitals to customer.

Ongoing Growth Ambition

Overall, the Marketing and Sales strategy for CCR is a balanced and achievable proposition that will ensure good lift into the market and ensure ongoing growth through years 1 through 3.  There after growth will be achieved in two ways:

1.      Expanding Services:  As CCR’s expertise and market foothold expands investment into new services will include other diseases and addictions.  This includes gambling and self-mutilation addictions and diseases that may not be prevalent in the US but are common in other parts of the world.  These include Malaria, Plague, Tsetse Fly (Sleeping Sickness), and Leprosy.

2.      Expanding Global Footprint:  With the rapid growth predicted in the US, CCR will, invest in expanding from the USA into the wider North America and beyond.  This may be by franchise but at the moment CCR is minded to becoming a multinational.  Operating across countries, with discrete research and revenue streams seems to be the best way to offset any adverse global market forces and increase the company’s knowledge base of disease and addiction management.  In Short, CCR is setting a path to be a global player in this market from the outset.  We will learn and develop our product mix and supply chains into a broad, profitable and resilient global business delivering humanity changing solutions to 21st Century health problems.


“First in Global Disease and Addiction Testing and Management”


All members of the CCR top management are able communicators but the CEO, Steve Rattley, will represent the company for the purposes of investment.


Management and Ownership

CCR will have the following Senior Management Structure:

Graphical user interface, website

Description automatically generated

CCR is an incorporated business and as such complies with the required state and federal legislation of the United States of America.  Steve Rattley in the first CEO of CCR, as such he is responsible for corporate strategy.  He is the spokesperson for the company using his strong interpersonal and global management skills.  He is an experienced entrepreneur with a successful track record of lifting new businesses and delivering best practise governance.  Steve presently owns a 25% holding in CCR.

The Chief Operating Officer is Cam Babula.  He graduated from Mercer County Community College with an overall GPA of 4.  Mentored by his father, he then went on to own a selection of gardening businesses across New Jersey before graduating from Harvard specialising in process engineering.  Using his strong inter-relationship and conceptual skills Cam will also oversee the company’s HR Management.  Cam presently owns a 25% holding in CCR.

Connor McHale, a former decorated policeman and restaurateur, brings rigor and integrity to the financial operations of CCR.  Another gifted member of the Mercer alumni, Connor met Steve Rattley whilst studying there.  Before becoming a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Connor with Steve were the powerhouse behind the “Rest and Test” franchise of simple and cheap to eat hostelries with a Covid testing booth on premises seen in most cities across the US.  That project is CCR.  Connor presently holds a 25% holding in CCR.

The final member of the CCR management team is Dr A Lynch, Chief Scientific Officer.  Mentor to Steve, Connor and Cam at Mercer County Community College, Dr Lynch is an experienced businesswoman, academic and guardian of clinical compliance and excellence within CCR.  As the clinical lead she works closely with Cam Babula, COO, in the recruitment of senior clinical staff.  She completes the formidable senior team.  Dr Lynch presently holds a 25% holding in CCR.  All the above top managers comprise the CCR Management Board and presently, develop and execute the Corporate, Business and Functional strategies of CCR.  They also deliver with their senior managers CCR’s Crisis, Tactical and Operational Plans.

Legal and Regulatory Responsibilities

The health industry demands conformance with national and international hygiene, process and handling standards and regulations.  These concerns are mitigated by buying kits off the shelf (from Roche say).  This limits CCR’s liability to process and handling rather than efficacy and kit design.  CCR seeks to employ from the considerable health and laboratory conditioned labor force centred in Philadelphia.  Our labs will be certified in accordance with the required regulations and this duty will be delegated by the board to Directors and managers of the business.

All sample and collection handling will be performed by trained operators conforming to the appropriate ISO and legal standards necessary under control of the CCR CSO, Dr Lynch.





The top three risks are the following:

a.       Suppliers Fail to Deliver Testing Components: Impact: High, Likelihood: Medium/High.  This risk will be treated.  CCR has identified several other suppliers of testing components.  Whilst no firm orders are foreseen at this time alternate suppliers have been identified and are aware of the CCR launch via a Non-Disclosure Agreement and have given anecdotal assurance stock is available throughout the year due to high production levels and a globally prioritised and protected supply chain.

b.      Competitors Engage in a Pricing War:  Impact: Medium, Likelihood Medium.  This risk will be tolerated in the first year.  It is mitigated by the heavy discounts used to penetrate the market.  CCR believes these discounts will make the likelihood of our competitors stalling the CCR lift unlikely.  The hit on profits would be important however as our financial forecasting will fall to its worst-case scenario.  5% of profit in the first trading year will be retained in the event this risk becomes an issue by way of mitigation.

c.       Sales Estimates Are Not Achieved:  Impact: Medium, Likelihood: Low.  This risk will be tolerated.  Market research and the emergence of new strains of Covid suggest demand for CCR services is only likely to increase especially considering the low pricing point and convenience of the services offered.

d.      Legal and Regulatory. Impact: Medium, Likelihood Low.  The risk will be tolerated, mitigated by the well-developed extant Covid technology/method and compliance with national and international best practises and legal conformance and inspection.  In addition, CCR will transfer this risk from its corporate risk register into Dr Lynch’s (CCR Chief Scientific Officer) terms of reference.  This is the key element of her ongoing role for the company.  The health industry demands conformance with national and international hygiene, process and handling standards and regulations.  These concerns are mitigated by buying kits off the shelf (from Roche say).  This limits CCR’s liability to process and handling rather than efficacy and kit design.  CCR seeks to employ from the considerable health and laboratory conditioned labor force centred in Philadelphia.  Our labs will be certified in accordance with the required regulations and this duty will be delegated by the board to Directors and managers of the business.  All sample and collection handling will be performed by trained operators conforming to the appropriate ISO and legal standards necessary.

Covid Testing (Premium and Standard Service) Profit Margin



Description automatically generated

Table 5: Product Cost/Retail Price Premium Service


Total Cost ($)

Retail Per Test ($)

C19 - Antibody



C19 - Gnome






Description automatically generated

Product Cost/Retail Price Standard Service (Table 6)


Total Cost ($)

Retail Per Test ($)

C19 - Antibody



C19 - Gnome






Balance Sheet – April 2022 (Table 7)

 CCR Balance Sheet 2022


Value $


Value $


 $             485,000


 $                       -  


 $             567,000


 $                       -  


 $             623,000

Pre-paid Customers

 $           400,000

Pre Paid Rent

 $             100,000

Equipment Rent

 $              12,000


 $                        -  




 $                        -  


 $           412,000

Motor Vehicles

 $             120,000



Lab Equipment

 $             367,000

Shareholder Equity

 $        1,850,000





 $         2,262,000


 $        2,262,000



Income Statement (Profit and Loss) - April 2022 (Table 8)


Income Statement (Profit/Loss) - April 2022


Value $

Total Sales

 $              10,189,082










 $              10,189,082




 Value $


 $                    780,000


 $                    163,000

Vehicle Servicing/Repair/Gas

 $                    123,000

Testing Kits (Gnome)

 $                7,100,000

Testing Kits (Anti)

 $                      87,600

Testing Kits (Other)

 $                      12,000

Testing/Addiction Svc Costs

 $                22,000.00




 $                8,287,600



Total Profit:

 $                1,901,482


Sales – April 2022


April Sales



Unit Value $


Covid Standard (Anti)


 $                            9.14

 $               311,884.22

Covid Standard (Gnome)


 $                            0.95

 $                   2,227.75

Covid Premium (Anti)


 $                            1.10

 $                 95,342.50

Covid Premium (Gnome)


 $                          10.65

 $           9,585,127.80

Other Tests


 $                            5.00

 $                 10,500.00

Addiction Management


 $                        400.00

 $               184,000.00

Total Sale Revenue



 $         10,189,082.27



Testing Kit Cost – April 2022

April Testing Kit Costs



Unit Value $

Total $

Covid (Anti)


 $                   0.73

 $           87,600.00

Covid (Gnome)


 $                   7.10

 $     7,100,000.00

Other Tests


 $                   4.00

 $           12,000.00




 $     7,199,600.00


Capital Requirement

This business case seeks to solicit $2.5bn in start-up capital to roll out CCR across the US, strengthen its supply chain and increase its expenditure on product development and marketing.  This investment will secure a 49% share of the company.  The return on investment is projected to be $324m (EBIT) in the first year of trading nationally.  With the expansion plans outlined it is expected that this return on investment will grow strongly as CCR spreads its service across the country and then the globe.  This is a growing industry with true global potential.  You are invited to be in at the start of this revolution in health care that will fertilise your bottom line and become a major force in doing good across the world.


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